The kids love to swim and canoe around the lake. I didn't get many pictures while we were there because I spent most of my time in the water swimming with the kids. However we did get a few.
The boys did a little fishing (catch and release) and Matty was the best catching 3 fish. We are guessing it was the same fish 3 times but hey that's ok he did it 3 times. Here are a few pictures of the fishermen.
Adam and Scott with the first fish to be caught they got by just dragging the line behind them as they rowed back to shore.
It was a beautiful day on the lake and all the kids had a great time. After all the water activities we went up to the eating area and had dinner as well as a pinata breaking. Because it is also Grandpa Sheppicks birthday Dan brought a pinata for the kids to break. It was fun for all.

I had a video to upload but I guess blogspot can't handle the size so I'll have to figure something else out to share the piñata fun.
After we had fun at the lake we went back home and enjoyed the neighbor fireworks. No one wanted to fight the traffic to go see the big fireworks at the mall. We just played with light sticks in the front yard of the Sanders house. The kids had a blast, Rachel called it a poor mans fireworks because we got the light sticks at the dollar store. To end the evening Adam wrote this in the street with the light sticks.