Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today is my birthday, so happy birthday to me! I wish myself a happy birthday as I have not heard from anyone else. Actually that's not completely true as Ann who also shares my birthday sent me an e-card and my good friend Mark also emailed me. Thanks guys!!! No big party planned not even a birthday cake, just going to the movies with a couple of friends.
So for my birthday we had an all hands meeting for work and as I anticipated this meeting I thought they would finally gave us our actual end date. Well I was wrong. Although the contract has still not been signed with the outsource company, however they said it should be signed by August 1st. Which pushes out our end date of 60 days notice to, at the earliest October 1st. So really not much has changed and I am still looking for another job and hoping to find something before I am let go. So if anyone knows of any jobs that fall in the IT operation's area please let me know as that is where most of my knowledge is founded. However I am also qualified to do other office jobs as well.
Also my oldest son (nephew really) is out here fighting the fires up near Redding. He works for the Az. forestry service as a fire fighter and his engine got called out to help with the Ca. fires. He has traveled here before to fight fires in So. Ca. as well in years past. I hope I get the chance to see him while he is here but with the long hours the fireman are working I might not. He is suppose to be here for 14 days starting last Sunday. I talked to him on Sunday and told him to let me know when it gets some down time and I will drive up to see him but I haven't heard from him since. I hope all is going well for him and that they are getting the fires under control. I told him to watch out for bigfoot as the area he is working has a lot of sightings of bigfoot but I'm sure he will not see any.

1 comment:

Callie said...

Happy Birthday to YOU...a little late! Hope you had a good day. Good news that your job release day is getting extended. Have you checked on or any other job boards? I know how frustrating it is. I'm in the process of job searching now. It's the worst.